Description - Shakes and Fidget is a fun fantasy RPG satire and an award-winning role-playing game at the same time! Sounds crazy? Over 50 million players make it one of the most popular online games in the world!Customize your own comic book hero and conquer the top slot of the Hall of Fame!
published Date - 24 Feb, 2016
reviews good - 7k
Shakes and fidget romania.
Shakes and fidget mazlíčci. Shakes & Fidget a böngészős szerepjáték. A Népszerű Képregény Flash Játékként elevenedik meg. Egy fantasztikus szerepjáték. Játssz Most Ingyen. Shakes & Fidget ( SFgameOfficial. Twitter. Shakes and fidget gameplay. Shakes and fidget private server. Shakes and fidget s3. Shakes and fidget private server cz. Shakes and fidget s6. Shakes and Fidget. The fun Shakes & Fidget browser game. Select your world Brazil Canada Chile Czech Republic Denmark France.
The shopkeeper is Fidget the gnome magician who will serve you anytime you go into his shop. The items cost gold and silver however there are some occasions when one must pay mushrooms as well to procure the item. Additionally players can also use 1 mushroom to refresh the stock as many times as they want. Shakes & Fidget (w25. Shakes & Fidget. Shakes and fidget s7. Shakes & Fidget, jocul în browser deosebit de distractiv.
Shakes and Fidget is a Free-to-play, Massively Multiplayer Online, Role-playing, Fantasy, Adventure, and Strategy video game developed and published by Playa Games GmbH. The game takes place in the fantasy world and lets the player customize his comic hero and get into the game world.